Painting is a Gift of Infinite Pleasure

Watercolor paintings are a unique technique to use water-soluble colours to imaginatively express dreams, illusions, emotions, and vibrant feelings. Chinoiserie Art is an ornamental art form from the West that incorporates Chinese patterns and methods. The desire for novelty and inferiority in European design, which had long followed the standards of classicism and baroque design, gave birth to Chinoiserie art. If you are a person who admires a painting, you can approach Mrinalini Singh. This will be the best place for all artists and art admirers.

Painting is Self-discovery

Mrinalini is an international famous female artist and who is managing the world-renowned floral artist. She specialized in painting flowers and abstract themes in a variety of genres over her twenty-year career as a professional artist. Her art has been exhibited in a variety of worldwide venues, and she has organized a large number of Water Colour Autumn Exhibit and floral painting exhibitions. While breaking away from Modernism, the water colour strikes a superb balance between artistic quality and colour. Her floral paintings have a sensorial element, as well as an energy that comes from the painting. The following are some of the exhibitions she has organized.

  1. In 2019, a special autumn exhibition of watercolors in Japan.
  2. In 2019, Mrinalini’s “Full O” in Japan.
  3. In 2017, Exhibition on “Awakening” in Japan.
  4. In 2015, Exhibition on “Joy” in Japan.
  5. In 2013, Exhibition on “Art of power” in Japan.
  6. In 2012, Exhibition on “The moment” in Japan.
  7. In 2010, Exhibition on Mrinalini’s 2010

and more. If you want tobuy beautiful paintings of flowers, you can approach Mrinalini Singh. Her blooms transition from exact, detailed representations to more creative blooms, trying to create a lively painting. Her work has been shown in a range of international and conducted a greater number of floral painting exhibition.

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